CareerPrepped® is an ACCSC Member Service Supporting EWS Programmatic Certification

CareerPrepped is an all-in-one student career success platform with a robust suite of self-help tools that make students' skills visible & verifiable, strengthen their employability, and auto-match their skills to live jobs using AI. Adopted as an ACCSC member service, CareerPrepped helps schools achieve and maintain EWS Programmatic Certification.

A Suite of Standards-Aligned Tools that Support Students' Lifelong Career Success

Address All Essential Workforce Skills

CareerPrepped's Skill Builders help students build all essential workforce skills in all six EWS competency areas. Make them available to students as on-demand, self-help resources and embed any into existing curricula.

Track Students' Skill Demonstration

Skill Badges and a Career Portfolio enable your students to store evidence of their skills so you can intervene early to assess what skills they can or cannot demonstrate to employers.

Integrate Support Services

CareerPrepped provides scalable, always-on career support and workforce competency development tools, including a resume builder, interview prep videos and an A.I.-based Job Match feature embeddable throughout a student's journey.

Showcase Students' Full Value

Empower your students to tell their personal career story and showcase their full value with their own Career Site. Upgrade your student and alumni talent pool from folders of resumes to digital, searchable, and shareable Career Sites.

Support Lifelong Learning

Give unlimited numbers of students lifetime access to the CareerPrepped community and tools. Create unlimited groups to organize students how you want, add group admins to any group, and see usage statistics on all groups.

Create an EWS Culture

Create an essential workforce skills culture using a skills taxonomy concretely defined, modeled by all staff, deliberately practiced, and proven with authentic evidence that carries with students upon graduation. See example